Dr. Ludwig and the OWL clinic featured in the media:
May 16, 2014 Always Hungry? Here's Why. New York Times |
May 9, 2014 'Fed Up' asks Are All Calories Equal? New York Times |
Jan 15- Feb 26, 2014 The Picky Eater Project New York Times Blog |
June 26, 2013 Brain Scans Suggest 'Food Addiction' Might Be Real MedicineNet.com |
Sept 21, 2012 Avoiding Sugared Drinks Limits Weight Gain in Two Studies New York Times |
June 27, 2012 Not all Calories are Created Equal CBS News |
June 26, 2012 Is a Calorie Always a Calorie? ABC News |
February 13, 2010. When Children Are Overweight, Changes for the Whole Family. New York Times |
February 11, 2010. Premature Death Is More Likely in Obese Children. USA Today |
February 10, 2010. Childhood Obesity Battle is Taken Up by First Lady. New York Times |
January 25, 2010. Play, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School. New York Times |
January 24, 2010. The Padlock in the Kitchen: Adopting a Policy that’s One Cookie Shy of an Outright Ban. The Boston Globe |
January 14, 2010. Obesity Rates Hit plateau in US, Data Suggest. New York Times |
January 2, 2010. Op-ed: Bad Habits Weigh You Down. Boston Herald |
Jan-Feb 2010. 25 Intelligent Optimists Who are Creating a Better Tomorrow, Today. Ode Magazine |
October 6, 2009. Op-ed: The Soda-Tax Solution. Los Angeles Times |
August 3, 2009. Is My Child Overweight? Time Magazine |
July 21, 2009. When Weight Is the Issue, Doctors Struggle Too. New York Times |
July 20, 2009. Thinner Wallets, Fatter Bellies. The Boston Globe |
June 22, 2009. Food As Pharma. Time Magazine |
February 17, 2009. Sweeteners: Real Aid or Excuse to Indulge? New York Times |
December 2008. Top Doctors Listings. Boston Magazine |
December 2008. Expert Q&A: Helping your Child with Weight Loss. WebMD |
December 23, 2008. Weight Loss Guide without Gimmicks. New York Times |
December 16, 2008. Study Boosts Low-Glycemic Diet. Time Magazine |
November 12, 2008. Child Obesity Seen as Warning of Heart Disease. New York Times |
October 28, 2008. I’m for a Local Chicken in Every Pot (Skin Removed, of Course). Washington Post |
October 17, 2008. 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know. US News & World Report |
July 21, 2008. The Kiddie Cholesterol Debate. Time Magazine |
July 15, 2008. The True Cost of the 100-Calorie Snack Pack. ABC News |
July 8, 2008. 8-Year-Olds on Statins? A New Plan Quickly Bites Back. New York Times |
June 24, 2008. School Is Out, and Nutrition Takes a Hike. New York Times |
June 23, 2008. It’s Not Just Genetics. Time Magazine |
June 5, 2008. Dr. Ludwig speaks to the NY Times about childhood obesity. New York Times |
January 13, 2008. Six tips for parents to create a healthful environment.
USA Today |
December 6, 2007. Obesity in Children.
Here and Now, NPR |
Deember 6, 2007. Heavy kids face hefty heart risks as they age. NBC Nightly News; The Today Show |
December 5, 2007. Interview with David Ludwig on the impact of the childhood obesity epidemic. The New England Journal of Medicine. |
December 2007. How Sweet It Is (to Lose Weight). Pages 214-218.
Oprah Magazine |
August, 2007. An Interview with Dean
Reader's Digest. |
July 11, 2007. Advice For Parents (about teasing)
The Boston Globe |
June 25, 2007. The Charlie Rose Science Series: Obesity & Nutrition.
The Charlie Rose Show |
June 17, 2007. Is America
Too Sweet on Sugar?
CBS News Sunday Morning |
June 12, 2007. When School Is Out,
Getting Good Food In.
New York Times. |
January 12, 2007. OWL Recognized as One of the Most Comprehensive Pediatric Obesity Clinics in the Country. The Today Show and Child Magazine. |
January 10, 2007. Op-Ed on Study Finding Bias in Nutrition Research.
Boston Globe. |
January 9, 2007. Research Study Linking Financial Sponsorship to Outcomes Among Nutrition Research. Boston Globe, Front Page. |
January 8, 2007. Controversies Surrounding the Measurement of Body Mass Index in School Children. New York Times, Front Page. |
July 6 2005. The Food Industry Says Obesity is a Matter of Personal Responsibility.
NBC Nightly News. |
March 22, 2005. Feature story about The OWL Clinic.
Washington Post. |
March 16, 2005. Childhood Obesity Threatens to Shorten Life Expectancy in the US.
USA Today. |
February 14, 2005. Feature store about The OWL Clinic.
Boston Globe, Front Page. |
Winter 2004. The War Against Childhood Obesity.
Dream Magazine. |
December 30, 2004. Study Linking Fast Food to Obesity.
USA Today. |
November 23, 2004. Study Showing Low Glycemic Diet Better than Low Fat Diet to Prevent Heart Disease. Associated Press. |
September 21, 2004. Health Benefits of a Low Glycemic Index Diet.
Boston Globe. |
June 7, 2004. The Obesity Warriors.
Time Magazine. |
April 8, 2004. The Diet Wars.
Frontline, PBS. |
January 27 2004. Good Carbs, Bad Carbs.
Dateline, NBC. |
October 25, 2002. Fit or Fat
Now with Bill Moyers, PBS. |
July 23, 2001. Weight Bias.
The Connection, NPR. |